Waiting for God

Week Of: September 9, 2019
Speaker: Pastor Will Hagenbuch
Scripture: Psalm 13

"How long, O God? how long? Will you forget me forever?" This is the cry of the psalmist. If we are honest, this is (or has been) our cry, too. 

Times of waiting in the midst of uncertainty, suffering, or great need is so very hard. We feel desperate for something to change, or long for a sign of hope that something or someone will come along to change things.

There was a someone. People who heard Jesus say, "I am the Messiah," flocked to this social justice seeking itinerate preacher so that this King would do for them what they longed for, and even expected, IN THE NOW.

In the midst of our waiting, it may seem like God is doing nothing. Consider this question as we move toward Sunday. What does it mean for you to hear that that while you're waiting, God is working?