Sermon Prep

Week Of: January 6, 2020
Speaker: Pastor Will Hagenbuch
Scripture: Acts 10:34-43

Then Peter replied, “I clearly see that God shows no favoritism.” —Acts 10:34 NLT

What Peters shares can be tough for us because of where we locate ourselves on the conservative/liberal spectrum. Conceptually, we get that God represents equality and fairness, but now and again, that “other side” represents some problems for us. We know we have a problem when we start using the words “they” or “them.”

The United Church of Christ is branded as the liberal one on the block. I like this. I like not because I am a liberal; rather, I like this because liberalism means we embrace all: liberals and conservatives. For example, we embrace those who are pro-life and those who are pro-choice. We stand with those who are for marriage equality and embrace those who define a family by traditional means.

That God shows no favoritism reminds us that we, too, should show no favoritism. And honestly? This is tough because someone out there does something you really do NOT like. Yet when we see that God shows no favoritism, then we, like Peter, can share love as God intends it to be shared—and that’s without favor, privilege, location, or persuasion.

PRAYER: Lord, help me hear myself when I use words that define people different than me, and then grant me the courage to love beyond my comfort places so that You are known and shown in the world You gave all of us. Amen.