But He Blesses

Week Of: September 14, 2020
Speaker: Pastor Will Hagenbuch
Scripture: Exodus 16:2-5, 11-14, 15b

But He blesses


On the sixth day they will gather food, and when they prepare it, there will be twice as much as usual.

—Exodus 16:5 NLT


You are applauded and revered when you know the answer. You also feel good about yourself when you get it right. The flipside of living in uncertainty can make us uncomfortable, even anxious.

So it is with the story of the people of Israel as they begin their journey with Moses and Aaron in the wild. They know the answer. “It was better when we were slaves under Pharaoh in Egypt because we had food then. This? This wandering life? Ah, no thank you! We’re starving!”

Being hungry and fed is the journey we are all on when it comes to faith in God. Sometimes we are hungry. Our holes or hurts play out somewhere because something is wrong. We notice this most when something is terribly wrong.

But God blesses. As He did with His people with provisions of manna and quail in this story, God does what God does in our stories, too. He remains not just plentiful, but steadfast.

In this information age, which, in one way is no different from this ancient time because the wandering people of Israel had information too, we fool ourselves in thinking that we know. We have the answers. This is all figured out. Interestingly, the temptation Eve faced in front of the Tree of Knowledge will always be ours. We just want to know.

But we don’t. Like explaining why there will be twice as much food as usual on the sixth day, we just can’t figure this all out.

Figuring this out is not in our capacity. All we need to know is that in His time and in His way, He will bless.

Let’s be full with that.


PRAYER: Fill us each day, Great Provider. When You double bless us, help us rejoice not question. Amen.