Many from my life beyond Kingsley do not know of John Michaels, my geometry teacher, class advisor, summertime coworker, and, above all, an faith inspiration of mine. I mention John in this vlog this week. What I didn't share here is that his face, in that moment when the whole world stood still, said all I needed to hear, and, more importantly, all I needed to feel.
This week, inspired by two men, one being John, the other being one you'll hear about in a moment, lead me, and, in turn, all of us, to the unshakeable prayer life of one the best in the Bible.
Prayer life. Good, deep, unshakeable prayer life. We continue this topic this Sunday. Join us.
FULL TRANSCRIPT: We have that role model, each of us, that person (or those people) who continue to inform and invite and inspire us to be better than we’ve ever imagined we could be. As I walk through this snowstorm this week, I’m on the path that I took, ah, after my dad died. And I part of that story that I never shared before, at least until this past Sunday, was that John Michaels was there with the ambulance when I entered the field and saw where my dad still was.
People who inform, invite and inspire us continue to amaze and direct us. And I share all of this because this Sunday, love day, we’ll be talking about one of the best who encourages, informs, inspires and invites, and that’s Daniel. And in the sixth chapter, we’ll be talking about his faith and his fortitude.
We have a lot to think about, and we have a lot of wonderful people in our lives who, while they are not where we want them to be in the now, they’re in this place that continues to guide us and ground us. Join us Sunday virtually or in person. And, until there—until then—let love guide you and ground you and gift you. Amen.