Midweek Meditation

Week Of: May 10, 2021
Speaker: Pastor Will Hagenbuch
Scripture: John 17:13-26

In Jesus’ prayers to His Father, he says, “I told them many things while I was with them in this world so they would be filled with my joy (John 17:13b).” This is not their joy. It is His joy.

What is Jesus’ joy? What makes Jesus’ heart sing? Jesus longs for a day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute relationship with you, the love of His life. He bridges the gap between a God we cannot see and a Spirit we cannot truly touch not for Himself, but for you. He carried your sins away by His death so that your life will experience everlasting life, never death.

Yeah. Huh. You’re now joyful when you consider this.

And your joy? No surprise. It brings Jesus joy.

APPLICATION: John 17:13b states that Jesus told them (the disciples) many things. Let Jesus keep telling you many things so that you and Jesus both have joy.