Sermon Video

Week Of: May 24, 2021
Speaker: Pastor Will Hagenbuch
Scripture: John 3:1-17


I’ve been told Nicodemus comes to Jesus at night so that his religious reputation would be spared. Here's a different thought. Suppose Nicodemus has an inkling that Jesus, who is always on the go by the light of day, might prefer to connect with someone who holds questions in the peace found only at the end of a long day.


FULL TRANSCRIPT: We’ve all experienced hard things in our life—at least for a while. In my life, with all of the life that’s around me, sometimes it’s hard. I’ve learned that the best times that I can approach Jesus is late at night when the lights are off and sleep is close.

In our lectionary text Sunday, Nicodemus approaches Jesus at night. I’ve always been told that Nicodemus comes to Jesus when he does—in the dark—so that his religious reputation would be spared. Perhaps Nicodemus figures that Jesus, who is incredibly busy, has the best time for intimacy, and honesty and connect at the end of the day.

Cherish and love those best times when you talk to Jesus so that the hard things in life make salvation all the sweeter.

Until Sunday, enjoy your time with God’s Son, and amen.