Hump Day Help

Week Of: November 22, 2021
Speaker: Pastor Will Hagenbuch
Scripture: Luke 21:25-33
Give yourself two seconds to complete this sentence. “God, I’m thankful for ____________.”
It has to be two seconds because your fill-in should literally be the first thing popping into your mind. And I hope it’s something like pencils, dinner plates or just popped popcorn. Some small, random thing. That object right in front of you.
With so much to be thankful for, or, conversely, if you’re struggling to be thankful, this is a great go-to exercise that leads to great openings of thankfulness as your mind continues down this new path. Pencils, for example, may make you think of teachers of all kinds, including those in your family who valued Thanksgiving.
APPLICATION: Whaaat? You haven’t taken two seconds yet? Go ahead! That small thing you’re thankful for can lead to great—or even funny—praises to God. And all praises to God are good.