Sermon Video

Week Of: September 26, 2022
Speaker: Pastor Will Hagenbuch
Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:1-14

Filmed at the Nine Partners Site in recognition and in celebration of our church's bicentennial anniversary, I ask: What do we see when nothing is really there?
It's a question we ask ourselves, whether we realize it or not.
Here is the full transcript.
What do we see when there is nothing is really there? It's a question the Nine Partners from Attleboro, Massachusetts asked themselves when they arrived here in 1790.
What do we see when there's nothing really here? The Nine Partners answered that question 10 years after they arrived. In 1800, they were standing on ground that became hallowed and would hold the oldest church in the county.
What do we see when there's nothing really there? We see God, and we hear God in the silences and in the celebrations, in the hurts and in the hallelujahs. And we see God just as Paul describes this to Timothy in 2 Timothy, scripture we have Sunday.
We see God when we gather, when we look, when we trust, and, most importantly, when we love.
The history of this church continues to unfold during this month. Join us as together we love--and see God together. Amen.