Midweek Meditation

Week Of: April 29, 2024
Speaker: Pastor Will Hagenbuch
Scripture: Acts 10:44-48. NLT
May 1
This has happened to you. Actually, this has happened to you and someone you do or do not know (because you're meeting for the first time). What's the something? It’s the amazing, feel-good sensation of connection, of being present to something far bigger than you can experience alone.
This amazing, feel-good sensation of being one with someone else is tangible, almost. It is God being present to you through the entwining, delightful and most often surprising Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit overflows. This third part of our three-in-one-God neither starts nor stops with you. This Spirit energy just keeps going and teaching and encouraging and convicting and liberating not by our way, but through God’s way, which is always love.
APPLICATION: Love. Let the Holy Spirit reveal God to you when the next amazing, feel-good connection teaches, encourages, convicts and liberates you into experiencing who our God is.