Midweek Meditation

Week Of: June 10, 2024
Speaker: Pastor Will Hagenbuch
Scripture: Mark 4:26-34
June 12, 2024
A packet of seeds to a grower is more than a promise of a yet seen future. The seeds themselves are a way to be present to it.
Mustard seeds, which are indeed so tiny, hold something for the planter when the planter holds them. The potential for "what can be" is something bigger and better than what can be seen in the here and now.
Jesus uses the Parable of the Mustard seed to show those with green thumbs or otherwise that when we let go of what we are holding (or holding back) and set our trust and our faith in Him, then yes, something will grow.
Let something grow. Germination may take a long, long, long time. It may be fragile when it does ever so slightly break through. It may be something you barely recognize or have the patience or persistence for, but with light, enough water and waiting, yes, something will grow.
APPLICATION: Plant something. Wait. Pray. And then wait some more. What will come, even if it is nothing at all, will, in time, be the best for you.