The creation of who you are isn't a one-and-done. God didn't just knit you together in your mother's womb and walk away. God is too big for that. God is too good for that.
Consider how God makes you (present tense) into who you are every single day. Notice I didn't say how God MADE you into who you are. Think about how God MAKES you who you are.
To help, remember Abram who became Abraham. He wasn't just led out into a nighttime skyscape, heard, "Your descendants will outnumber the stars," experience a "Oh, wow, hooray, " and then, decrescendo, that was that. Ho. Hum. Next.
No, God kept the journey going. With each step and each day, God was working in your ancestor what God is working in you. What God is working in you is who you are meant to be, and that, dear star, is one who is blessed (and one who will bless others).
APPLICATION: Find value and treasure in the new steps God presents you each day because this journey of discovering who you are (and how loved you are) continues each day.