Hump Day Help

Week Of: May 18, 2020
Speaker: Pastor Will Hagenbuch
Scripture: Acts 1:6-14

"When are we going to get there?" is not just the question from your child in the backseat of the car. Because literally and metaphorically want to be in the driver's seat, we ask this question, too. We think knowledge brings comfort, or at least control. Unknowing? Well, that may produce anxiousness or other unpleasantness. 

Jesus steps in and shares that timing isn't something we are to know. "The Father alone has the authority to set dates and times," he says, "and they are not for you to know (Acts 1:7)."

What then, are we to know? It's simple. God has this. All of this. We don't. 

APPLICATION: Trust God's timing, not your own.