Sermon Intro

Week Of: July 20, 2020
Speaker: Pastor Will Hagenbuch
Scripture: Genesis 29:14b-30

What happens when God is involved in slippery schemes and backhanded connections comes through in our text this coming Sunday, July 26th (Genesis 29:15-28). Christians are not exempt from bad days, bad deals and bad news. Sometimes life is truly painful, but if circumstances don’t change, we do because of God.

Consider those times when the rug slipped out from under you. What God was saying to you then needs to be remembered. What is God saying to you as you move forward also needs to be heard for what it is, a blessing.

God is up to something. Trust this “something” is so good, even (or especially) when nothing in the moment seems so good. Yes, trust. Wait. And listen. When you do, then you will see God at work. And God’s isn't puzzling, it’s beautiful.