The 'then' in our story

Week Of: September 21, 2020
Speaker: Pastor Will Hagenbuch
Scripture: Exodus 17:1-7

Then Moses cried out to the LORD, “What should I do with these people? They are ready to stone me!”

Exodus 17:4

The ‘then’ in our story

Listen for the word ‘then’ in your story. We typically use the word after something significant has happened. Here’s an example. She burns breakfast. The heel on her shoe snaps as she steps into the car which does not start. Coffee spills on her jacket as the tow truck shows up. Then, after being called into the boss’s office, she is fired from her job.

This example is similar enough to Moses’ experiences when he uses the word. He is done. The people are done. It is then that Moses cries out to the LORD.

How often do we turn to God after the then in our story? We are either out of emotional or economic options, or the water truly is over the dam. We. Are. Done. Really. Really. Done. And then....

God, who has control over everything, may use our ‘then’ moments in an extra special way because at the ‘then’ point in our story, maybe we really are ready to hear Him. Even more so, maybe we are ready to respond because we realize yet again that without Him, we are powerless, foolish, or the selfish thing we have been on for too long finally gives way.

And in that moment, despite how we got there, we are grateful, attentive, and, above all (pun intended), we ready for divine direction.

PRAYER: Lord, we may not welcome our then moments, but we do welcome You. Rescue us. Amen.