Hump Day Help

Week Of: June 17, 2024
Speaker: Pastor Will Hagenbuch
Scripture: 1 Samuel 17: 41-50
June 19, 2024
Our crushing giants may not stomp on and shatter our confidence like Goliath. Still, the bad big guy (or the big bad thing) is still very real and very close.
Until the day David faced the towering trouble, the rocks were just rocks. Nothing exceptional. Just. Rocks. And the sling? It was just a sling.
David’s fear didn’t have a future. It was leveled with one well-placed, God-directed whomp.
You know your Goliath. But do you know your rocks and sling?
Your fear doesn’t have a future when you pick up what you need to pick up and use what you need to use.
APPLICATION: Pick up what you need to pick up. Use what you need to use. And what needs to fall will fall, fail, or flop not by your force but your faith in God.