He stood right in front of them. His miracles and healings preceded him. He spoke. They listened.
Some found interest in Him in the moment (and only the moment). After his teaching in the synagogue, the people in Jesus’ hometown turned away from the Son of God because they only saw a local carpenter’s son.
Jesus’ message—preached by Jesus Himself—still turned people away. The text says Jesus “was amazed at their unbelief (Mark 6:6).”
It must take a LOT to amaze Jesus. And what I know is what you know, too: Jesus didn’t stop. The Gospel of Mark doesn’t end in Nazareth with the sixth chapter. In the face of adversity, indifference, disinterest, and outright disdain, Jesus did not stop. He loved. He led. He waited. He continued His wonders.
APPLICATION: Jesus did not stop. Don’t stop either. Keep loving, leading, and waiting for His wonders.