Nathan replied to the king, “Go ahead and do whatever you have in mind, for the LORD is with you.” — 2 Samuel 7:3
We think to ourselves what King David thought to himself when he hears Nathan. “Oh good, I can keep on with my plan because the LORD is with me!”
David has plans to build a temple for God, but through Nathan we learn from God that David is not to build.
The King redirects the king.
God redirects us, too. Unlike David, we can be perplexed. Why this speedbump? Why this detour? Like David, we want to do BIG things for God!
What gives?
We do. We give. Like David, we give to God our trust, faith, devotion, and even our egos. David’s lesson is our lesson now. Sometimes our plans to honor God are not God’s plans to honor God.
This is not a fault on our part. This is certainly not a failure. Instead, it’s God’s way of saying someone else will achieve another step in His Kingdom here on earth. And this is good.
This is so very, very good.
PRAYER: Ah, God, those redirects! Keep them coming. And, like David, give me the grace and the joy to accept each one as they come so that Your Kingdom here on earth grows not by our plan but Yours. Amen.