Sermon Intro

Week Of: October 10, 2022
Speaker: Pastor Will Hagenbuch
Scripture: Luke 18:1-8

Luke speaks of an unjust judge which makes me think of the judge we worked with for 30 months in the adoption process that concluded this June.

Our judge was just. He followed the law. He also made sure the law was upheld throughout the process.

The judge in Luke 18:1-8 is God. As this week begins, think of what God not just follows but also leads with, and that is His love for us.

Our judge didn't always side with (or go with) what I wanted in the timeframe I thought the adoption should go! Not that I was impatient or anything!

Rather than fester with impatience, build faith like the persistent widow in the parable. Build faith in our loving God who always upholds his love for us